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Times Tables in Binary

Binary Patterns and All That
Times Tables of Prime Numbers in Binary
The times tables of up to ten sequential prime numbers (excluding 1 and 2) expressed in binary.
This page finds prime numbers using Javascript. It includes a few optimisation techniques and it has a litle
rest now and again, to give the opportunity to stop the process, but in the higher number
ranges it gets progressively slower, and Javascript is not the tool for dealing with very big numbers.
But those shortcomings are somewhat beside the point, the purpose of this page is to take a look at patterns.

Note: the purpose of this page is to see intriguing patterns against a sequence of prime numbers expressed in binary, see Prime Numbers in Binary and Tertiary.
Start From
Times Table
No of Primes to Multiply
Odd Numbers Only
Prime Numbers Only


Generate Prime Numbers in Decimal Binary and Tertiary

Play with Prime Numbers a Bit
Generate Prime Numbers in Decimal Binary and Tertiary
Prime number sequences form a pattern that it is hard for our minds to get a grip on.
Probably no one has got a grip on what the pattern is yet. That’s in decimal. They form
a more intriguing pattern in binary, and something else happens in binary: we find that with a great many of
them, if you reverse the binary digits you get another prime number. A similar type of intriguing pattern appears in tertiary.
This page generates prime numbers using Javascript. It includes a few optimisation techniques and it has a litle
rest after every twenty numbers, to give the opportunity to stop the process, but in the higher number
ranges it gets progressively slower, and Javascript is not the tool for dealing with very big numbers.
But those shortcomings are somewhat beside the point, the purpose of this page is to take a look at patterns.

Note: the ordinal numbering starts from 1 at prime number 3. 1 and 2 are prime numbers too
so strictly the ordinals should be 2 higher. Add 2 to feel completely pure.
Start From
Quantity to Generate


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